2024 Dave Kelly Memorial Give-A-Kid Projects Golf Outing

Saturday, June 1st
9 a.m. Start
$80 per golfer/$320 per team
Includes 18 holes of golf with cart, use of driving range, all-day barbeque, and prizes!
Skins and a $10,000 hole also available!
Raffle with the announcement of winners after all golfers are back in the clubhouse
Registration ends on May 24th, 2024
You can register online using the link below or download and print a paper registration form here.
Note there is a fee of $7 per golfer when registering online, if you'd rather avoid the additional fee that comes with registering online, you can alternatively register by emailing registration@giveakidprojects.org and sending a check to Give-A-Kid-Projects, P.O. Box 576, Holt, MI 48842.
Sponsor, Golf, or Both!
Event Sponsor ($500)
Name on a banner that will hang at Eldorado Golf Course on the day of the event
Name on a sign that will be displayed on the golf course on the day of the event
Recognition in announcements, on website, and on social media
4 person golf team
Tee Sponsor ($75)
Name on a sign that will be displayed on the golf course on the day of event
Raffle Item Sponsor
Name on a sign that will be displayed on the golf course on the day of the event (if the retail value of the item(s) is $75 or more)
All items to be included in the door prize bags need to be provided to Give-A-Kid-Projects by May 24th.
To sponsor this event, contact the president of our board, Tim Currin at
(517) 256-2844 or by email at registration@giveakidprojects.org
Download and print a paper sponsorship form here.
If you'd like to support our outing by posting information about this year's event, please download and print our informational poster here.

Thank you for
your support!
As a reminder, we operate as a non-profit agency. No one has ever drawn a salary from Give-A-Kid-Projects and 100% of all donations go towards meeting the needs of Holt, Dimondale, and Lansing area families through our programs.